12 September 2009

Help for Heroes Trackday

Back in June I went down to Dorset for a hoon around a tank testing/teaching facility. Now this is serious bizniss! Proper military, proper tanks around, and as we were doing a Nurburgring-tourist-session style blat around the concrete access roads in the middle of a fake war environment, proper risk of damage to stuff like cars, and us.

My car was completely not ready, the brakes, suspension and tyres all not what I wanted, but hey. The day was put on to raise money for Help for Heroes, which is sweet as fuck and a properly good cause anyway - but raising money by blatting around a track that's never been opened up like this before? How could I say no!

It rained in the afternoon, which meant some low speed fun, but not too much! People were crashing all around and I kinda wanted to drive home myself - not sat in a cab talking to a fat, sweaty guy stuffing a Ginsters in his piehole.

So that's that. Made a sweet weekend of it by crashing at Kyle's, and going clay pigeon shooting the day before. What's better than shooting shit and driving like a twat?

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